Sunday, August 06, 2006


Well this week Tommy had a couple of "firsts". He sat in a restuarant high chair for the first time. He just thought it was the coolest. Now he can reach lots of stuff on the table and also reach out and grab the wait staff and whoever else happens by. He also rode in the front of the shopping cart. I had to make sure not to get too close the shelves though since the sticky fingers want to grab everything. He is still sorta small for the grocery cart to I had to make sure I did not make any sudden stops or turns.

He also slept through the night again last night!! He started whining at around 2am buthe just wanted his pacifyer and then fell right back to sleep till around 7am. He is such a good boy. Now if I can just get him potty trained :-)


Ellen said...

Awesome! Don't let him leave for college until we've seen him, okay?

Danielle/Brooke said...

I'll try to keep him at home.