Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Another Milestone

Tommy slept through the night!! After his 6 month Dr. Appt. on Monday we had decided we were going to transition Tommy to sleep through the night and skip his night feeding. Of course Monday night did not go well cause he had gotten shots at his visit and tends to be cranky for a couple of days afterwards. So Last night I had planned to only give him 5 oz of his normal 6 oz bottle during his night feeding, but lo and behold he never woke up for it. He went down at 9:30pm and did not wake up again till 6:45am!!!! So we will see tonight if that was just a fluke.

In other his appt. on Monday he weighed in 16lbs and was 27 inches long!! His height is in the 75th percentile and weight in the 50th. So itlooks like he is going to tall and slim. We also got a referral to an eye doctor for him to finally get his blocked tear duct taken care of.

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