Thursday, August 31, 2006

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Put your right foot in....

Dear God...

Are you sure these are MY parents?


Well if I have talked to you lately I am sure you have heard me lament about Tommy's sleep habits or should I the lack of. For the past couple of weeks he has been waking up about every two hours and screaming for about 20-30 minutes while we try to comfort him. Well last night, after polling all the grandparents, we gave a full does of Tylenol and let him cry out his first waking (at 11:00pm) and lo and behold he did not wake up again till 4:00am. YEAH!! Hopefully tonight will be even better. The concensus was that it might be his teeth was waking him up and he did not know how to go back to sleep by himself. So keep your fingers crossed.

Friday, August 18, 2006


Everything must go in my mouth!

New Cousin

Meet Matthew Jin-Won.
This is picture of Tommy's newest cousin. His Uncle Chris and Aunt Sara are planning to go get him from Korea in the next few months. He was born on June 3rd, just a little under 7lbs. I think he might give Tommy a run for his money on the cuteness factor.

Congrats! Chris and Sara.

special visit

Tommy had a special visit with his Nana and Papa this week. They Brought Brooke and Brooklynn back from Michigan and stay with us for a couple of days. Tommy thought his Papa was very funny and he finally taught his Nana how to feed him his bottle.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Eye Appt.

Well Tommy had his first Eye Doctor appointment today. Thankfully he is not taking after his parents yet, he has perfecr vision (well for a 6 month old anyway). The doctor said he could unblock his tear ducts now or we could wait till he is 12 months old. I opted to have it done now but now I am starting to rethink my decision. They have to put him to sleep for the procedure and the more I think about them putting Tommy to sleep the more apprehensive I get. The chance of something happening is very slim but still :-( The Procedure isn;t until Sept 22nd so I have some time to think about it at least.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

He takes after his mom

I think I have an accountant on my hands. He loves to play with my calculator and yesterday he kept make a "1" with his hand like he was counting. He just couldn't quite get that second finger up for "2" but we are working on it. I will have to see if I can get a picture of it.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Brooklynn's trip to Michigan

Brooklynn and I are in Michigan this August for two weeks to visit with her Nana and Papa, those are the cute names she calls her Grandma and Grandpa Boda. We are on our second week now and having lots of fun.This past Thursday she went to a water park with all her cousins, including her new cousin baby Erica. They were so cute together and Erica would get so excited with Brooklynn running around in the water. We had a big Family dinner at Dad and Ellen's house so all the new cousins could meet. This picture shows that night, her and Erica had so much fun with the Bubbles. Brooklynn new favorite thing are bubbles, she walks around the house saying bubbles, bubbles. We are both having such a great time,and I'm so glad that she is getting to spend alot of time with her Nana and Papa.


Well this week Tommy had a couple of "firsts". He sat in a restuarant high chair for the first time. He just thought it was the coolest. Now he can reach lots of stuff on the table and also reach out and grab the wait staff and whoever else happens by. He also rode in the front of the shopping cart. I had to make sure not to get too close the shelves though since the sticky fingers want to grab everything. He is still sorta small for the grocery cart to I had to make sure I did not make any sudden stops or turns.

He also slept through the night again last night!! He started whining at around 2am buthe just wanted his pacifyer and then fell right back to sleep till around 7am. He is such a good boy. Now if I can just get him potty trained :-)

Thursday, August 03, 2006

It was a fluke...

needless to say he did not sleep through the night last night. Far from it actually. I think that maybe the carrots we started him on are not agreeing with his digestive system. So I have not given him any today, only cereal and we will see if he does better tonight.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Another Milestone

Tommy slept through the night!! After his 6 month Dr. Appt. on Monday we had decided we were going to transition Tommy to sleep through the night and skip his night feeding. Of course Monday night did not go well cause he had gotten shots at his visit and tends to be cranky for a couple of days afterwards. So Last night I had planned to only give him 5 oz of his normal 6 oz bottle during his night feeding, but lo and behold he never woke up for it. He went down at 9:30pm and did not wake up again till 6:45am!!!! So we will see tonight if that was just a fluke.

In other his appt. on Monday he weighed in 16lbs and was 27 inches long!! His height is in the 75th percentile and weight in the 50th. So itlooks like he is going to tall and slim. We also got a referral to an eye doctor for him to finally get his blocked tear duct taken care of.