Friday, February 15, 2008

Tooooo cute

Tommy had his Valentine's Party at school yesterday and was pretty hyped up in Sugar by the time I picked him up. Them we proceeded to traverse the county delivery more Valentines and eating more sugar as it was provided. We then had to go grocery shopping. He is usually pretty good the store, for a while. this time he was in such a good mood just gabbering away and talking to everyone and moving all over the place (the grocery store has carts that look like race cars and they can move around little bit) was so excited when I picked up Shrek Cheezit crackers. When we finally got home I gave him some Shrek cheezits and put on Bob the Builder on TV and went into the kitchen to put away the groceries. I am not sure what the reason was but he was just so excited about it all that he comes running into the kitchen saying "I need fives, I need fives" I had no idea what he was talking about so he grabs my hand and holds in up and gives me a "high five". he was so excited about everthing he needed to give someone a "high five"!! It was just so cute.

1 comment:

Ellen said...

Here's some 5's for Tommy: 55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555