Monday, February 18, 2008

Smarter than we think

Since Tommy has stopped eating baby food it has been a constant struggle to get him to eat anything. For a while he was loving hotdogs and wanted them all the time, but then out of the blue he won't eat them anymore. Tonight I asked him if he wanted a hotdog and he said "yes" so I made him hotdog and gave him some pretzels. He ate about half of the pretzels and none of the hotdog then said he wanted to get down. Being the responsible parents we are, we told him he needed to finish the pretzels or take one bite of the hotdog. He picked up the hotdog, me and Micheal held our breath to see what he would do, and it started towards his mouth. He puts it in his mouth and bites down (inside I am cheering, we have won, our will was obeyed!) and pulls the hotdog out still intact with bite marks nearly severing the tip and then he puts it down and smiles. Mike and I burst out laughing, well we never did say he had to bite it off and eat it.

We did manage to get him to eat the remainder of the pretzels at least.


Jessica said...

This kid sounds like trouble to me. :)

Danielle/Brooke said...

Considering how his dad was as a child I knew it would be inevitable.

Anonymous said...

What a little smartie pants! Sounds like you're gonna have your hands full, eh?

Ellen said...
