Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Another First

Well yesterday was Tommy's first day of preschool. He had his Curious George lunch box in hand and was ready to go.
Daddy dropped him off in the morning.
And he had lots of fun...that is until someone in the building accidently pulled the fire alarm! All the little girls in the class we initially surprised but got over it quick. Tommy and Kai did not get over it that quick and even after they stopped crying they kept giving the alarm nervous glaces the rest of the day.

This was Brooklynn's second year. So she was a seasoned veteren and gave Tommy some good advice.

Even though she was an old pro she was still excited to see her new class.

Friday, August 24, 2007

I know, I know...

It has been forever since I posted anything. Bad Danielle. Well since we last talked, Tommy has been to Michigan and went pee pee in the potty. He is also talking alot more now. Well I should say we can understand alot more of what he is saying. He now follows simple commands like "Bring me your shoes" or " Do you want crackers or Cheetos. It is so cute, he loves baked Cheetos which he calls "toes".

Here are some Potty pictures, he is just going to kill me :-) I am pretty sure he only gets up there because then he can touch the tiolet paper
He also loves to flush the tiolet, which I guess is a good thing for later on.