Friday, March 23, 2007


I know it has been a while since I posted but it has been kinds busy around here. Two weeks ago Tommy came down with an awful case of diaper rash :-( We had to sit on the couch with no diaper for a bout 4 hours to give him some relief. I got peed on twice but thats being a mother for you. We were finally able to get a diaper back on him but pants made to too uncomfortable so we just put a long t-shit on him.

Then he ended up coming down with an awful cold and couldn;t sleep through the night because he couldn't breath. Poor guy! Finally took him to the doctor and got him medicine, that cleared him up and made him sleepy :-) Now he is back to sleeping through the night and most nights doesn't even wants us to completely rock him to sleep. yah!!
We have also been house hunting so that has kept up busy. but enough excuses I will try to be more diligent


Jessica said...

House hunting?? Make sure you move into a recently occupied home so that you don't have to contend with flying cockroaches!

Jessica said...

Did the doctor say what caused the rash?

Danielle/Brooke said...

Oh I didn't take him to the doctor. when he is teething he often gets very loose stool which can cause a rash. we have this great rash cream called Dr. Breaduex's butt paste and it works wonders. He was doing much better by Saturday and pretty much all better by sunday.