Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Tommy just heard the good news about Papa's biopsy. YEAH!!! Papa, now come visit me.

Friday, March 23, 2007

proof positive

We have all seen them. young boys, and sometimes even older one, with a ultra baggy pants that defy gravity. I have often wondered what would happen if they were not able to continually keep pulling them up. well here is the what will happen.


I know it has been a while since I posted but it has been kinds busy around here. Two weeks ago Tommy came down with an awful case of diaper rash :-( We had to sit on the couch with no diaper for a bout 4 hours to give him some relief. I got peed on twice but thats being a mother for you. We were finally able to get a diaper back on him but pants made to too uncomfortable so we just put a long t-shit on him.

Then he ended up coming down with an awful cold and couldn;t sleep through the night because he couldn't breath. Poor guy! Finally took him to the doctor and got him medicine, that cleared him up and made him sleepy :-) Now he is back to sleeping through the night and most nights doesn't even wants us to completely rock him to sleep. yah!!
We have also been house hunting so that has kept up busy. but enough excuses I will try to be more diligent

Thursday, March 08, 2007

He's done it!

He slept through the night!!!! I think that maybe he was just too tired when we put him down (I know that doesn't seem to make sense) but the past two days I have made sure he has taken two naps during the day and he has slept through the night each night.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Why oh Why!

Not too much new going on here. Except that Tommy is not sleeping through the night currently and we are not sure why. We think it might be his molars trying to come in but we are not sure. All we do know is that we had gotten used to sleeping till at least 5am before he woke up and now that is over. :-(