Thursday, February 08, 2007

Food Struggles

We are trying to get Tommy to eat regular food now and he is putting up quite a fight. If we are in a restaurant and he is distracted he will eat just about anything we put in his mouth, but if we try the same things at home he immediately spits them out or won't open his mouth at all!! The other night he even gagged himself so he threw up the little bit we had been able to get down his throat. He just loves lemons, he will suck the life out of lemon wedge. It is quite entertaining.

We have also been trying some of the Gerber Graduate foods but no luck there for the most part. He is now completely on Soy milk no cows milk at all so that poses more problems. We got him to eat some Gerber Stage 3 spaghetti with meat sauce yesterday before I realized that there was milk in it. Boy did he have some gas last night phewwww..

Everyone keeps telling me I have to be patient, he will start eating eventually. I am keeping my fingers crossed.


Jessica said...

Soy milk? Poor baby!

Bob doesn't know this yet, but I don't plan to try cow's milk on Seth until he is two.

Danielle/Brooke said...

Soy milk really isn't that bad. I have decided to start drinking it myself. That way we don't have to buy three different kinds of milk. Regular for Michael, Lactaid for me and Soy for Tommy.

Just so you know your pediatrician is more than likely going to suggest that you start Seth on Whole Milk starting at 12 months.