Friday, January 19, 2007


I know it has been forever since I have posted. but holidays were very busy for us all. Just to catch you up and I will post more pictures later.

Over the holidays Tommy cut his fang teeth, both at the same time. He was not a happy camper. Thankfully everyone up in Indy got to see a couple of happy days before the teeth decided to make an appearance.

Then just the other day I noticed another tooth poking up on the right side of his two bottom teeth. They are just coming in like gangbusters.

Tommy just keeps getting smarter everyday, too smart I think sometimes. Like today he wanted to touch the faucet in the bath tub but could not quite reach it, so before I know it he has turned over this little plastic tub we have in the bathroom pushed it over to the tub and was getting ready to climb on top!! I am sure pretty soon I will be grabbing him off the top of the bookshelf :-)

Tommy just loves his Brooklynn and follows her everywhere she goes, much to her annoyance sometimes. Anything she has he wants to get his hands on. I am now spending all day tuesday at the office so Tommy gets to be with his Brooklynn all day. However, we they are both together neither wants to take a nap so by the end of the day they are both kinda grumpy.

Well that is all I got for now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hooray! I loves me an update.