Monday, July 24, 2006


Oh the joys of teething! Tommy has not been a real happy camper the last couple of days. Unfortunately, as of yet, he does not like the teething toys. I bought a new one that I can put in the fridge to get cold and he will chew on it if I hold it but he won't do it himself. I wish the teeth would just break through already. He hasn't slept for more than 30 minutes at a time all day.


Jessica said...

I remember when my wisdom teeth came in when I was in tenth grade. It was miserable. I feel for the poor kid.

Ellen said...

Message from Dad: He says that when you kids were teething he would put a spoon in the freezer and get it good and cold. He'd rub it across your gums every hour or so with a bit of pressure and that would help to numb your pain and also help the teeth break through faster. He also thinks the rubber coated baby spoons they make these days would work too if they are good and cold (if you're squeemish about using a metal spoon). Good luck.... can't wait to see you!