Saturday, July 22, 2006

Just an Update

You would think these two were brother and sister rather than just cousins. Yesterday Brooklynn was over at our house and it was ok for her to touch Tommy but if Tommy wanted to touch her it was "no no no Tommy". I swear if she knew the phrase she would have been saying "Mommy he's touching me!!!"

Today Tommy made a new sound, it was new kind of laugh/squeal and when we heard it, it was so funny that Mike and I laughed. Which of course made him keep doing it. He also starting making raspberries with his mouth. It is cute, however, this combined with the magnitude of his slobber makes for quite a mess.


Ellen said...

They both look beautiful. Tommy is such a little boy and Brooklynn looks like a protective sister.

We cannot hardly wait to see Brooklynn and when we bring them home to see Tommy. He had changed so much.

Take good care of them both Brooke and Danielle and Michael and we will see you all soon.

Love Dad

Ellen said...

Love the pictures! I think Tommy is looking a lot more like his mommy these days. "He's touching me!" How funny. Can't wait to see you all!