Monday, July 17, 2006


Ok Brooke and I thought we would try our hand at this whole blogging thing since everyone seems to be doing it. On this blog we will be posting pictures and updates of what our children are up to so everyone can stay up-to-date. They grow up so fast and before you know it they are off to college.

Just to catch everyone up to present. Brooklynn is now 21 months old and Tommy is almost 6 months old. At their last doctor's appointments Tommy came out only 4 inches shorter than Brooklynn!! But hey I can attest to good things coming in small packages.

Brooklynn is a walking and talking drama queen, but in a good way. She loves to talk on the phone, she doesn't even need anyone on the other end to have a good conversation. She just loves her cousin Tommy and always wants to take care of him.

Tommy is now pretty much sitting up by himself and is normally perfectly content to chew on his burp rag, hand, bib, my fingers, your fingers...pretty much as long as he has something to naw on he is happy.

1 comment:

Ellen said...

Yea!!!! Welcome to blog world! We will look forward to reading all about everything! Thanks for doing pressure though, just post when you can. We're busy up here. David worked today, so we watched the kids. We went to the public library this afternoon... they had a guy there to demonstrate and teach juggling. It was pretty fun (and air conditioned!!!) April and her boys are here too, but she is busy with her family during the days. Tomorrow we are watching Luke while the rest of them go to the island. It's like a kid factory around here... Olivia doesn't know what to make of it (she's good with the kids though). Well, that's all for us. Can't wait to see you guys. Love, Ellen (& Dad). Oh by the way... the pic your mom sent of Tommy sitting up is awesome... he's so BIG!!!! and cute. He looks like about 18 months already!