Saturday, May 24, 2008

Don't judge him...

He is just exloring all his options.

Thursday, May 22, 2008


Well we are into full swing with the terrible twos and boy can Tommy be a whiner (is that how you spell that, I am sure Jessica will let me know if it spelled wrong). So we set down a had a little talk yesterday about his whining and I told him I did not like whiny little boys. So he stopped for most of the day. Then he started whining about wanting to watch Bob the Builder. So I told him again I didn't want whining to so I kid you not right in the middle of a whine "watch Bob the Builder" he lowered his voice and said really low "watch Bob the Builder". It was soo funny. I wish I could have gotten it on tape.

just some randomness

I know it has been a long time since I have update the blog. But everything is going fine and the kids are growing like weeds. Here are some random pics I thought you might enjoy.

Awww male bonding.

My little Tom Sawyer

Our little future record producer
His second most favorite outfit. His favorite is minus the diaper!