Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Monday, July 24, 2006


Oh the joys of teething! Tommy has not been a real happy camper the last couple of days. Unfortunately, as of yet, he does not like the teething toys. I bought a new one that I can put in the fridge to get cold and he will chew on it if I hold it but he won't do it himself. I wish the teeth would just break through already. He hasn't slept for more than 30 minutes at a time all day.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Just an Update

You would think these two were brother and sister rather than just cousins. Yesterday Brooklynn was over at our house and it was ok for her to touch Tommy but if Tommy wanted to touch her it was "no no no Tommy". I swear if she knew the phrase she would have been saying "Mommy he's touching me!!!"

Today Tommy made a new sound, it was new kind of laugh/squeal and when we heard it, it was so funny that Mike and I laughed. Which of course made him keep doing it. He also starting making raspberries with his mouth. It is cute, however, this combined with the magnitude of his slobber makes for quite a mess.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Best Friends Forever

Then there was squash....

Well we tried Squash last night for dinner. It starts out ok.....

But then the faces started. However, he continued to open his mouth.

And as you can see it ended with a smile.

If you notice his bib....he lied! It was a very restless night with lots of waking up. :-) Oh well par for the course I guess.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Bath Time

Tommy just loves bath time. However he refuses to lay in the baby sling anymore. He thinks he is too old for it now.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

The strangest things...

Seem to amuse our little Tommy. Not too long ago his Aunt Brooke saying "Moo" to him would illicit the biggest smiles and laughter. And last night it was the dancing of his socks on my fingers was just funniest thing he had ever seen. Oh to be that easily amused as adults.

Most of the time he still thinks "Moo" is funny so if you see him try it out.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

How you doin....

We have started Tommy on baby food this week. We started with Green Beans. As you can see from the pic I don't think he cared for them too much. After the second feeding he refused to open his mouth so I have had to hide them behind his oatmeal cereal on the spoon.

What a character!! Oh I think I hear him waking up gotta go

Toodles - Danielle

Monday, July 17, 2006


Ok Brooke and I thought we would try our hand at this whole blogging thing since everyone seems to be doing it. On this blog we will be posting pictures and updates of what our children are up to so everyone can stay up-to-date. They grow up so fast and before you know it they are off to college.

Just to catch everyone up to present. Brooklynn is now 21 months old and Tommy is almost 6 months old. At their last doctor's appointments Tommy came out only 4 inches shorter than Brooklynn!! But hey I can attest to good things coming in small packages.

Brooklynn is a walking and talking drama queen, but in a good way. She loves to talk on the phone, she doesn't even need anyone on the other end to have a good conversation. She just loves her cousin Tommy and always wants to take care of him.

Tommy is now pretty much sitting up by himself and is normally perfectly content to chew on his burp rag, hand, bib, my fingers, your fingers...pretty much as long as he has something to naw on he is happy.